Welcome to the new home of Builder AU!

That's right, while we've enjoyed our fourth dimension as part of world wide web.zdnet.com.au since June 2002, we've launched Builder AU every bit its own Web site.

Builder AU is a community-driven Web site by developers, for developers that is dedicated to the Australian software development community. Content will be shaped co-ordinate to what topics you, the customs, desire to hear almost. We want to provide you with a Web site that covers all technologies in a non-partisan way that provides y'all with solutions, not flame wars.

Whilst the look and experience of the site volition be changing we volition go on to bring yous practiced opinion, communication, tips, hints and tutorials on all technologies, platforms and tools no matter what type of software licence to help you find the right solutions to your existent globe bug.

The changes you will see to the site volition not simply be cosmetic or template changes, we are as well introducing a host of new features including:


Aid shape your community past sharing your experiences and opinions about the topics that business you and your peers. Forums are a great way for readers to share ideas, help out with technical problems, talk over the latest trends and announce events to the wider developer community. I strongly encourage readers to sign-up and offset using forums now.


Want to read the latest local and international news that affects you? While nosotros will continue to increase our technical editorial we will also provide a defended news expanse, with an archive of all posted news stories. If you lot have a news tip to share e-mail the editors at Builder AU.


The new Builder AU Web site will feature reviews of related developer products including developer tools, books, software, and relevant hardware bachelor that will help you make informed, administrative decisions on future purchases.

Inquire the Expert

A pop part of Builder AU has been the -Ask the Expert" surface area. A success with readers, nosotros have revamped the area with a new Web class to submit questions and a dedicated surface area and then readers can view previously asked questions and answers.


If you are a electric current subscriber to our technical newsletters, y'all volition continue to receive these merely they will have a new look under the Builder AU brand. All email newsletters are opt-in and members will hands be able to subscribe, unsubscribe and alter their user profiles in one central membership centre.

While the launch is significant, I would like to think of information technology as Version 1.0 and we will look to provide even more functionality and features in the future. Of form all of these new features and content volition continue to exist complimentary with no cost to our readers.

If yous would like to recommend a new feature for the Architect AU site feel costless to east-postal service me with your suggestion at editor@builderau.com.au.